Providing Nourishment: Mission for Newborns in Newala

An update from our Companion Diocese of Newala is below, written by Members of the Companion Diocese of Newala Committee:

Baby bottles are rarely used in rural Tanzania. But Sr. Debora CMM works at the government hospital providing utra-sound services for the maternity ward in the Newala District Hospital.  By the way,  Sr. Debora received her Ultra-sound training funded by the Historic Diocese of Milwaukee in 2019.

Companion Diocese of Newala - Taking Care of Newborns

She says that not only do they sometimes lose a Mom during delivery, but many Moms cannot feed their young immediately after C-Sections. Also, there can be twins or triplets! “About can milk very helpful for newborn babies with lost her mother or the babies with mother HIV POSITIVE who no produce enough milk for them”.

All these situations create a need for baby formula.  This also causes a need for training in measuring and “bottle skills”.

A newborn can require a need of 54 cans of formula over the span of six months.  The powered milk is available but at the cost of Tsh 23,000 ( about $10.00).  A Google search has the average yearly income in TZ at $ 1,200.00 USD!

Sr. Debora returning from Dar with 66 Pounds of Formula

The Hunger Book Sale at All Saints’ Cathedral has several times given the Sisters CMM  grants of $1,000.00 for their food projects, which has been a good help.  The baby formula can be available in Newala or Mtwara, but the better prices are in Dar es Salaam, 370 miles and 9 to 10 hours away.  Round trip bus fare is Tsh 80,000 ( $32 USD).  You can see Sr. Debora returning from Dar with 66 pounds of formula.  Yes, she was helped to the bus stop.

The Sisters CMM continues with many works in the Newala Diocese.  Please consider supporting them and other projects.  Send a contribution to the address below…..tagline Newala Projects. 

Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin

PO Box 137

Oshkosh WI 54903

 Asante Sana ! [Thank You.]

Neil H. Radtke
Fr. Oswald Bwechwa

Members of the Companion Diocese of Newala Committee


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