Word from the Bishop: On (Diocese of) Wisconsin


We have officially been the Diocese of Wisconsin for a little over a month now. It has been a busy month. We did some preliminary organizing of the diocese between the May 4 Special Convention and General Convention’s consent to our reunion. But the organizing continues. The diocesan staff is coming together and has been doing much good work on the usual running of a diocese as well as the ongoing organizing of a new diocese – integrating finances and other aspects of the three historic dioceses and putting new things in place. They are committed and ready to serve our congregations and welcome your engagement. Regional Missioners and Mission Action Team Convenors have been appointed. You’ll be learning more about all of these in the weeks and months ahead.

The Interim Standing Committee, Mission Council, and Commission on Ministry have been meeting. Various interim diocesan officers, e.g., treasurer, chancellor, parliamentarian, etc., have been appointed and approved. They are interim bodies and positions between now and the election/approval of members at our first convention as the reunified diocese on October 4 and 5. Plans for that convention are well under way. It will include a celebration of the new diocese and my installation as the 12th Bishop of Wisconsin.

That is a lot in a short time. I feel good about where we are, but it will take time for all of this to gel and for us to get our rhythm as a diocese. I encourage your patience as we live through a season of transition. There will no doubt be bumps along the way. Mistakes will be made. But I believe God has been and is in this and will be as we go forward. I look forward to what God does in us and through us as we seek to be faithful to the mission to which we are called. Do keep all of this in your prayers.

Under the Mercy.

Bishop Matt

The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter
Bishop of Wisconsin


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