Update from Companion Diocese of Newala

Now that we are a reunited diocese, we have two companion dioceses: the Diocese of Newala in Tanzania and the Diocese of Masvingo in Zimbabwe. In addition, we have a partnership ministry in Haiti, the Haiti Partnership. We will provide updates from Newala, Masvingo, and Haiti periodically. Today we have an update from Newala. Our news from Newala comes primarily from Sr. Debora of the CMM Sisters in Newala (CMM stands for Chama Cha Mariamu Mtakatifu/Society of Holy St. Mary). They are in the middle of a school construction project. Note: their project began some time ago and the sign pictured below was the idea of the Sisters, CMM of Newala.

From a July 27 email from Sister Debora, CMM:

“Now we are happy with the new place, sisters and children both are happy regardless of a minor challenge. All in all, we are in the new and modern classroom. I need to say thank you so much for your strong initiative and now we need to say asante sana sana [thank you very much]. Now we discussed with Fr. Oswald how to deal with doors and windows. I hope after a few days, we are complete doors and windows and waiting for glass windows.

All sisters, they say thank you so much and we say all May God bless all our friends. We always we remember all through our prayers.”

For those new to this project, in brief summary, the CMM Sisters have had a daycare since 1982. That has expanded to a middle and upper preschool.  Then came the Standard One class and the Standard Seven class which opened this spring. Standard One through Four opened in 2020 with 80 students.

There are now 345 students, 175 boys and 170 girls. Class sizes are up to 45 students, but, in spite of those sizes, the school has become number one in Newala out of 20 schools and number two in the region out of 230 schools!

The students are fed two meals a day, a breakfast of uji, an oatmeal-like fare. There is a lunch in the early afternoon. They are fed ugali (boiled corn flour), beans, rice cabbage, spinach, cassava, and different kinds of nuts. Beef is served occasionally during the week. Corn on the cob is also served when in season. Milk is not readily available.

There are twenty teachers in total. There are other employees including cooks, cleaners, and security personnel. The roof for the classrooms, offices, and toilets was completed last spring.

The CMM Sisters own the land and the newly constructed school buildings.

To support projects in our Companion Diocese of Newala, you can send checks to the diocese with “Newala ” in the notation line:

Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin
PO Box 137
Oshkosh, WI 54903

Neil Radtke
The Rev. Oswald Bwechwa
Companion Diocese Committee Members


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