Remarks from General Convention: John Johnson and Lee Donahue

John Johnson

I speak in support of resolution D051 the reunion of the Diocese of Wisconsin.

Together in love, we confirm the local work, prayers, and discernment of Episcopalians across three dioceses in the State of Wisconsin. 

We go back to the future. In Wisconsin, Episcopalians are coming together in love in the reunited Diocese of Wisconsin. In 1847, the Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin was created under the leadership of Bishop Kemper. 

Twenty-five years before this, the first Episcopalians in Wisconsin, members of the Onieda nation forced from their lands in New York prayed together and built a church.  On these foundations, the Episcopal Church in Wisconsin grew. Eventually, lines were drawn creating three dioceses. 

Today, after a locally developed and jointly led mission discernment process across all three dioceses, the Wisconsin Trialogue, and after many votes, we are going back to the future as the Diocese of Wisconsin once again. This transparent process was impacted by many individuals, notably from our Milwaukee diocese the Rev. Jana Troutman-Miller and the outstanding leadership of Bishops Matt Gunter and Jeff Lee.

There is a model for others here. 

Much pulls the Episcopalians of the regions of Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Milwaukee together. 

You know some of these: dairy farms, snowy winters, supper clubs, really good cheese, the Bucks, Brewers, Badgers, and, of course, the Packers. 

But, much of this discernment really revolved around the question of what is a diocese. At the end of the day, a diocese is not a series of lines on a map, a grand church with a cathedra, a bunch of committees and councils, and more. 

The foundation, life source, and power of a diocese are the humans, the Episcopalians, who come together in love of Christ, of all fellow humans, all creatures, and our living planet with shared spiritual mission. 

While there will always be work to do, we are here today ready to be three in one; one Diocese of Wisconsin. send your blessings and prayers to the Episcopalians of Wisconsin. Thank you. 

John W. Johnson, PhD
Madison, Wisconsin

Lee Donahue

My name is Lee Donahue from the Diocese of Eau Claire. About 14 years ago, I was on the discernment committee as we began discussions with our neighbors in the Diocese of Fond du Lac. We spent many joyful conversations about how we could share our gifts and strengthen each other in Christ.

There was excitement,  friendship, joy and... love. 

After a year or so, we jointly voted to "juncture" our dioceses. It was a time of discernment, prayer, hymns, much rejoicing, and happy tears. However, a day later we shed tears of another kind — the juncture did not proceed. It was devastating, so many layers of grief. I admit I cried a lot over that loss.

A decade later, discussion between all three dioceses were once again tendered. There was trepidation. 

We've talked about healing and reconciliation here this week — and there have been both. Now we come from a place of strength, determination, and yes — deep love to be the one diocese God is calling us to be. There is indeed a time for everything!

I ask you to vote YES to confirm our desire to join our dear sisters and brothers in All of Wisconsin. Thanks!

Lee Donahue
La Crosse, Wisconsin


Remarks from General Convention: Jana Troutman-Miller